Many moons ago, before I had my two munchkins, I participated in a crop for the cure event that was looking to raise funds for breast cancer. It was a 24 hour crop til you drop event, although my friend and I opted to get a little shut eye part way through over at her place which wasn’t far from the venue. This was a great chance to spread out your supplies and really dive deep into your scrapbooks or whatever other projects people decided to bring with them. At that time I was spending more of my time scrapbooking than cardmaking… that happens when you don’t have two munchkins always calling for you ;P
Nowadays it’s more cardmaking than scrapbooking and while I absolutely love making cards and other papercrafts and sharing all of that with you, I do miss scrapbooking! It’s a great way to be creative and at the same time you get the chance to reminisce about the memories you’re putting on the pages. I would usually spread out my supplies so that I could see or easily get to whatever sparked my inkspiration for that particular photo or page, so these crop for the cure events are great because you get a half a table just for you and your supplies.
This weekend I will be at another crop for the cure event, but this time it’s not 24 hours and I will be there as a vendor not a participant. I think this is why recently I’ve been thinking more and more of needing to start scrapbooking more often. I’m so excited to be a part of this event and can’t wait to meet new creative people!
There’s so much going on, even if you’re not cropping the day away and all of the funds raised as part of this event will go towards Neuroblastoma research at the Hospital for Sick Children.
For more information and to find out how you can come and say hi head over to…