Hey everyone! I know it’s been a while since I posted anything here. There’s been a lot going on with my family for the past few months and it’s been building up. So when my dad died I needed to take some time for myself.
It’s been a hard holiday season as you can imagine. But I’m glad I’ve had the extra time off from work. I couldn’t imagine trying to do my job over these past 2 1/2 weeks! Having the ability to curl up on the couch with Leo when I needed and distract myself with whatever needed to be done to get ready for Christmas and Hannukah was so helpful!
It also helped that I had a weekend away at a spa in Niagara Falls booked. This was something that I’d booked a couple of months ago to help relieve some of the pressure from everything that was going on. Right after my dad died I wasn’t sure if I should still go, but I knew I needed some quiet time for myself. Goodness knows that’s hard to come by in a house with 2 munchkins and a fur baby! And I’m so glad I went! Niagara Falls is one of my favourite places to go. No matter what season it is, it’s always beautiful… plus there’s the Hershey store! How can you go wrong?!
I even got an early Christmas present from my dad… a nice room upgrade. I ended up with a room overlooking the falls and a jacuzzi in my bathroom!
Niagara Falls never disappoints!
I’m starting to get back to my crafting now. So I’m looking forward to sharing again here.
In the meantime, you can check out my last post here. And you can check out the last chance products in my online shop before the new catalogues come out on Tuesday.
I hope you all enjoyed the winter holidays and I wish you all a happy new year!