Countdown to Halloween

We’re doing a countdown to Halloween in our house! Since this year is going to look very different I thought I would do something a little different. My munchkins love Halloween and have already been decorating the house. So just in case we’re not able to go trick or treating I thought I would convert my Christmas Countdown project kit into one for Halloween. It was super easy to do and I love the Magic is in the Night Designer Series Paper!

To start I picked a bunch of different designs from the Magic is in the Night DSP pack. I wanted to make sure I had enough options to spread out the designs. Then I cut them down to fit the front of the boxes.

Countdown to Halloween

To make sure I didn’t cover up the groove in the top of the box I used one of the Stitched Shapes circle dies. I also used one of these dies to cut out all my numbers. The numbers came from a retired stamp set I have for just such a project, but you can use whatever you have. I stamped the numbers in Blackberry Bliss and Cajun Craze ink; alternating between odd and even numbers.

Countdown to Halloween

Then of course I had to fill them with something. While my munchkins enjoy some of the Halloween chocolates/treats, they really love gummies. So I went to my local Bulk Barn to get some different Halloween themed gummies. I did also pick up a box of chocolates. Since I have two munchkins and I wasn’t about to make one for each of them I had to be strategic in my treat choices. The gummies of course fit no problem. As for the rest I was able to put in 2 packages of Rockets, M & Ms and Kit Kat bars. If you only have to fit in one you’d likely be able to fit in a single Coffee Crisp or box of Smarties.

My munchkins have been really enjoying their countdown. Here’s how it turned out…

Countdown to Halloween

I love how easy this was and so I think I might have to do something like this for their next birthdays!

I’m having an online class using the Christmas Countdown project kit and there’s still time to RSVP. So if you live in Canada and would like some more information check out my upcoming classes and events. The deadline to RSVP is November 3rd and you can always email me with any questions;