I found a shelving unit on a neighbour’s curb recently and decided to do a little DIY craft storage! I don’t know about you, but I never seem to have enough storage. As a crafter I always have a big stash of different supplies. I also do a lot of projects for my munchkins birthdays so there’s a real mix of stuff in our basement. So, as I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one, I thought I would share what I did with you all.
A couple of weeks ago when I was driving home a shelf unit on a neighbour’s curb. So once I dropped off my munchkins I circled back to take a closer look. I told myself if it was in good shape, and still there, I would grab it. And it was! The unit’s previous owners used it to hold jewelry and hair accessories… I found a few hairpins and an earring in a couple of the baskets. It also looked like they tried to paint it, but didn’t get very far. Here’s what it looked like when I found it…

I’m not sure why they didn’t just give it a couple more coats of paint, but it worked out for me. Here are the baskets that it came with…

I love the natural look of the dark wicker baskets. Plus they’re a good size so they’ll work to hold just about any of my craft supplies.
First thing I did was spray down the baskets and wipe down the shelves. Then I put on a few more coats of white paint. This was super easy to do because my husband paints as his side-gig, so there’s always paint and rollers around.

Here’s the full finished unit…

I think it turned out nicely. Now all I have to do is fill the baskets, which will be no problem. The question is will this finally be enough storage. Fingers crossed!
If you like my DIY craft storage then check out the card display board I spruced up. I used a bit more than just paint on that one.